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Increase Instagram Followers

Best Way to Increase Instagram Followers Organically

Instagram has become a cornerstone of various brands’ social presence, building an engaged audience, growing conversions, and driving profitable traffic to landing pages, etc. Getting real followers is important because a fake follower count can boost your ego but it will not help your Instagram strategy.

Buying followers or using bots can help you to boost your followers count for a short period of time but they will not do any favors for a long period of time. The larger your audience or followers will increase the more opportunities you will get to engage with your users and also can create unique experiences for them.

The Following Are the Tips to Increase Your Instagram Followers

Use Keywords That Appears In Searches

Use keywords which appear more in searches to increase your Instagram followers and try to keep a simple or easy gettable username in your Instagram because it is the handle of your Instagram. Try to write your name up to 30 characters not too long and use your brand name or variation of your name so people can easily find you and also can use it when searching for your brand.

Post Content Which Followers Want

Always try to post contents which followers want to increase your Instagram followers and it is smart to learn that which content your followers want to see. Always be confident in your content strategy by analyzing different captions and filters and also try to keep your ear to the ground with new trends on Instagram to know that you are posting popular and demanded content.

Optimize Your Bio 

Always try to make your bio unique and optimize most of those 150 characters of your bio because your Instagram bio tells everything about you to your potential followers such as who are you and what action you hope people will take after visiting your profile etc. If your bio has a clear description, a call to action, and A link then I will definitely help you to increase your Instagram followers.

Optimize Your Instagram Account 

Optimizing fully your Instagram account is one of the most essential steps to figuring out how to increase or gain Instagram followers. Always try to keep a proper bio, username, image caption, and profile image so people can easily get you and follow you. Try to keep your username search-friendly and if your business or brand name is longer then try to keep shorter so your audience would easily recognize you.  

Create Consistent Brand Story and Aesthetic

It is very essential to maintain a consistent brand personality as well as look if you want to position your brand in an aspirational way. By keeping a regular brand story will help you to get more followers and also do marketing or advertising for your brand. Use Instagram stories to share the content and feel of your main feed and also keeps consistently engaged in your Instagram stories to get more followers.

Collaborate with Other Brands

Collaborate with other brands to get more traffic on your way and do not be afraid to reach out to other brands to see that you can work together on Instagram. By doing the right kind of collaboration will definitely help you to get more Instagram followers as well as improves your site traffic too. By collaborating you can also improve your business and can easily reach your targeted audience.

Encourage Others to Tag You

To increase your Instagram followers encourage others to tag you because by tagging you in others’ accounts will increase your followers. Your Instagram bio is the best place to ask the audience to tag you on Instagram and when they will tag you in a post then other people will see your account and if they like then they will suddenly start following your account by this way your followers will increase more & more.  

Write Great Captions 

Always captions give you chance to provide more details about the video and photos you are sharing on Instagram and a nice photo and caption will always catch people’s attention and they will start to follow you if they like your caption. Write up to 2200 characters captions so people cannot find them for too long to read and use keywords in captions so it will help you to appear at the top of the search results on Instagram as well as increase your followers too.

Use and Research Hashtags 

To increase your followers on Instagram then research that which Hashtags are popular and which Hashtags people are using more in the present time try to use that Hashtags. Using popular and right Hashtags can help you to expose your image to a targeted and large audience. Hashtags are very essential to gaining more Instagram followers and also by using popular Hashtags keeps more traffic on your site regularly.

Try an IGTV Series

IGTV videos help to explore topics in-depth because they can be up to an hour-long video and also it can encourage your viewers to follow your Instagram account instead of watching a video-only. IGTV makes new potential followers more likely to click on content because it appears four times larger than photos. It gives awards to your brands for doing unique things o social media as well as increasing traffic on your site.

Engage With Your Audience

If you want to increase your followers on Instagram then it is essential to engage your fans in a conversation. Engagement is very important for gaining the followers as well as growth on Instagram and also engagement conversation helps you to interact with your potential followers. Respond to each and every comment you receive because every comment is an opportunity to gain new followers.

Aim to Get Featured

Aim to get featured means there are feature accounts which Instagram accounts that help to reshare other users’ content on tagging or Hashtags etc. By doing this reshare you can easily increase your followers on Instagram as well as helps to send a new stream of Instagram followers on your way. This feature account helps you to gain followers and you can start to uncover them by doing your Hashtags research.  

Link to Your Instagram Account from Elsewhere

Linking your Instagram account from elsewhere means make very easy and simple your Instagram to find so your audience can easily find you. The link to your Instagram account with your website`s footer or sidebar, social media posts from team members, email footers and bios on other social media platforms, etc. By linking your accounts in these links will help you to gain more followers or increase your real followers.

Embrace Instagram Stories

You are required to use Instagram stories to get more followers because half a billion Instagram accounts are using stories every day to gain followers. Try to use location as well as Hashtags features in your stories to expose so people will follow you who even do not already follow you. This is one kind of feature that helps to get followers on Instagram for free because most of the story’s views are from business people.  

Considered Advertising on Instagram 

Advertising on Instagram is a powerful way to reach new followers fastly as well as it is also an effective way to gain more Instagram followers quickly with less investment. You can explore your feed and can advertise through Instagram story and can target audience by demographics, interest, behavior, and location, etc. it is the best and also simple way to gain real followers on your Instagram account.  

Post Consistently 

Post regularly on Instagram helps your audience to engage with you continuously and will encourage others to connect with you or follow you. The brand that consistently flows with Instagram posts will get the best result and also it is a good medium for gaining followers on the Instagram account. But for increasing followers, you have to post quality content regularly not any funny or time pass posts.

Create an AR Filter

If you are creating an AR (Augmented Reality) filter and people are using that filter then your name appears top of the filter while peoples use it so by watching your name people will start following you and you will suddenly start gaining followers on your Instagram account. The more peoples use your filter the more followers will get and that is the real follower, not the fake ones.

Follow Relevant Accounts 

Follow relevant accounts to get follow back means if you will follow accounts then they will check your feed accounts bio and will start following your account. To find conversations relevant to your brand social listening is best as well as a great way and also by this you can increase your followers on Instagram. Instagram suggests you some accounts to follow you can follow your relevant accounts which like and get follow back too.

Use the Instagram Nametag 

Instagram nametag is a scan code which allows all Instagram users to follow you quickly as well as instantly only by scanning your nametag of Instagram account. It is also an effective way to promote your Instagram account and also a great way to increase your followers too. By doing this you will also get the real-time new followers at networking conferences and events. Scan code is a direct way to follow without typing your name or writing your name.

Learn From Instagram Insights 

You can also learn from Instagram insight how you will increase your followers by getting more impressions on each post, more engagement, more reach, and more likes & comments, etc. Instagram analytics tools also provide you with essential information about your followers such as gender, location, and age. You can easily know that who is following you male or female and from where they are following you and what is age of them etc. information.

Post Reel`s Consistently 

Posting reels consistently will help you to get followers means if you are posting the latest trends reels on your Instagram then all users of Instagram will watch your reels and if they like then they will start following you. By making the latest trends attractive reels will automatically increase your followers as well as makes you popular too on the social media platform.

About the author

ALVI Web Tech is an Award-Winning Digital Marketing Company in India and Our goal is to provide the Best SEO Services and improve the overall growth of the client’s business in the online marketing world.
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